Finnish Stuffed Sourbread

Finnish Stuffed Sourbread

10+ hours

This recipe is per person/portion

Appliance Required: CombiSlim Combination Oven Oven


-          2 Slices of rye sourdough bread or one sourdough roll

-          80g vendace on salmon

-          80g smoked port belly or smoked salmon

-          A handful of salt and black pepper


1.      Place half of your pork belly or bacon on top of a slice of bread or half roll

2.      Add fish, season with salt and pepper

3.      Top off with the remaining pork

4.      Close the ‘sandwich’ with a slice of bread or top of the roll

Cooking steps in Invoq oven

-          Place the stuffed bread in a sous vide vacuum bag

-          Reduce vacuum pressure; the bread must be compressed quite a lot

-          CombSpeed - 75⁰c – 80% humidity – 40% fan speed

-          Cooking time up to 10 hours


After cooking

Serve the dish with whipped butter, salt and fresh dill

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