Quick Serve Kitchen Systems
Target’s Quick Serve Kitchen Concept & VentLess® Catering Equipment
Unique soloutions for businesses needing to cope with HIGH DEMANDS for QUALITY HOT FOOD, QUICK with MINIMAL EFFORT!
Target Quick Serve Kitchen Systems enable businesses to;
Capitalise of high foot fall
Optimise fast food output
Improve customer experience
Increase order turnover
Reduce queue sizes
Service more customers for minimum effort
Maintain high quality food consistently
What’s the secret of QSR (Quick Serve Restaurant) success?
Advanced cooking technology combined with ergonomically optimised kitchen and service counter layouts.
Who are VentLess Quick Serve Kitchen systems for?
Specifically for operators that have finite space available and struggle with traditional equipment and ventilation requirements but do not want to miss out on an opportunity of delivering a food and beverage offering to potential customers.
How can a Quick Serve Kitchen system be implemented?
Target’s in-house designers and specialist equipment consultants work with businesses to create unique Quick Serve Kitchen systems to suit a variety of business models, systems can be tailored individually to menus and operation styles. Target’s VentLess® equipment range can be configured into bespoke cook-lines that ustilise every millimeter of space available, so staff can be ultra productive and enjoy the benefits of a streamlined quick serve food service operation that is easy to use and requires very little skill to operate.
VentLess COMMERCIAL Catering Equipment
Does not need to be positioned under a commercial kitchen extraction canopy
Complies with Building Regulations and DEFRA guidelines for Commercial Kitchen Ventilation
Retains heat and by-products of the cooking process within the appliance
Opens up unconventional site opportunities
Pre-programmed Perfection
Reduce the requirement for highly trained and skilled staff with intuitive advanced cooking technology that can be pre-programmed for consistent cooking time and time again at the press of a button. Overcoming possible language barriers and skills shortages within the industry.
Prepare ingredients ahead of time and store them safely ready to cook as and when needed.
Batch cook meal compoents in the quantities required throughout the day.
Crispy and crunchy or succulent and juicy, hot hold food at optimum temperatures for longer.
Chill product safely to HSE requirements while maintaining flavour and nutrients in produce.
Rapidly re-heat pre-cooked meal components for ultra efficient meal turn around times.
Quickly serve large quantities of hot, quality, cooked to order meals fresh off the pass.
Grab ‘N’ Go The Benefits of Selling by Sight
Visual appeal is one of the strongest factors influencing a customer’s decision to buy and relies on the idea that people are more likely to buy what they can see and imagine eating. With 90% of information processed by the brain being visual it’s no surprise that getting your food display right through product presentation, colours and layout is crucial in influencing a purchasing decisions.
Target can supply a range of self service or assisted service food display and retail cabinets that perfectly compliment high speed cook-lines. Giving operators the best of both worlds - delivering to the grab and go market as well as offering high speed cooked to order hot food and drink options.
So when demand is high and space is limited, you can use a very small operational footprint to capture a market that may have been previously missed.