Covid-19 Business Update


Here at Target Catering Equipment we continue to be open, operational, and here to support all within the foodservice industry.

We are currently fully operational at our standard opening hours 8am - 4:30pm Monday to Friday. We continue with all aspects of our design, manufacture, supply and install services, however, we have implemented some extra precautions in order to help keep our visitors, customers and staff safe.

Where interaction with others outside of our business is necessary, for example for deliveries, installations, and on-site service work, we will continue to follow government guidelines and observe strict social distancing measures.

Where possible we ask that meetings, site visits and demonstrations are held via online video call platforms such as Facetime, Microsoft Teams or Zoom.

When face-to-face meetings are necessary we ask that face masks are worn at all times and hands are sanitised upon entry and exit of the premises.

If you have experienced any of the following; tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 14 days, are displaying any symptoms of COVID-19 (coronavirus) such as; coughing, loss/change of smell ir taste, difficulty in breathing, sore throat, fever, have returned from international travel within the last 14 days or been in contact with anyone infected with COVID-19 within the last 14 days, we ask that you; let us know ASAP if you have a scheduled delivery or installation, do not visit us or attend scheduled meetings/demontrations and contact us via phone or email to re-schedule.

Many of our equipment suppliers are back fully open and many still offer direct delivery, however they are not offering guarantee on delivery dates as the situation is ever changing.

We are experiencing extended lead times from a number of suppliers and regular pricing changes so please keep this in mind when planning projects and ordering equipment.

Should you have any questions or queries please call 01452 410 447 or visit our website and we will endeavour to deal with your enquiry as efficiently as possible.

Thank you for your continued support, patience and understanding in these tumultuous times, keep safe.

Team Target